Automate donation receipting for nonprofits
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Explore how receiptManager can work with fundraisingManager to solve your receipting management challenges.
receiptManager makes issuing charitable tax receipts painless.
No more manual processes, paper receipts and multiple expense reports.
Put your donation receipts on auto-pilot
Save time by issuing tax receipts automatically after each contribution.
Meet all criteria for the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
Official tax receipts for cash, gifts-in-kind, and other donations are set up to meet CRA requirements.
Ease your administrative burden
Automating the stuff that slows you down means more time for the work you enjoy. More productivity, more profit.
Reassure your donor's contributions
Donors can rest easy knowing that their donation was processed promptly and put to good use.
Join the hundreds of nonprofits using cloudStack products
Higher Annual Receipt Volume
Increase the number of charitable tax receipts you can send annually from 3,000 (included with fundraisingManager) to 10,000 with the receiptManager add-on.
Branded Receipt Templates & Acknowledgements
Merge your donation receipt templates with donor acknowledgement letters. Create CRA-compliant, branded receipts with gift and payment details.
Consolidated and Year End Giving Summaries
Save time by automatically creating and sending official CRA-consolidated receipted or year-end giving summaries to donors in a single step. Our batch receipting function means that all unreceipted gifts from the entire year can be emailed out OR optionally downloaded and printed for mailing in a single click.
Unique Receipt Numbers
Every charitable tax receipt you run is given a unique donation ID. Be it one receipt or multiple for the same donation, each receipt is considered exclusive and automatically linked to the original. This gives you a full view of your donor’s giving history.
Receipt Voiding & Replacement
If you’re dealing with an invalid charitable donation receipt, receiptManager can automatically void it. Once the donation meets the correct standards, it’ll become eligible again for a receipt. Replacement donation receipts will link to the original receipt with a CRA-required script declaring it’s a replacement receipt.
Automatic or On Demand Receipting
Generate manual donation receipts from a specific donor or a donor list. Issue receipts automatically when you receive donations, or schedule the task with filter criteria to issue receipts for specific donations.
Create CRA-compliant receipts in seconds
Extend the power of non-profit CRM, fundraisingManager with the receiptManager add-on. It makes processing donor receipts for your nonprofit ridiculously easy. Built 100% native to Salesforce, receiptManager lets you simply create and customize donation receipts, and a logo and branding and personalize acknowledgement letters. Your donors will be impressed.
How Canadian charitable tax receipts work
According to the CRA, a nonprofit organization differs from a registered charity in Canada. Only registered charities can legally issue donation tax receipts.
If a registered charity chooses to issue receipts, there are criteria they must meet depending on the type of gift, including:
- Detailed information about the charity, the donor and the donation.
- Unique receipt numbers for each gift. This includes a unique value for each replacement receipt and a reference to the original receipt for audit purposes.
- The amount and description of any advantage received by the donor as part of the donation.
For more details and example receipts visit the CRA website.
It is important that Canadian charities issue official donation receipts according to the rules set out in
the Income Tax Act (Canada) and the guidance of the Charities Directorate of the CRA. Unfortunately, according to the CRA, approximately 89% of audited charities are issuing at least some inappropriate receipts.
Any system of electronic receipts must ensure that if receipts are sent electronically they cannot
be altered by the donor. Sending a regular word processing file to a donor with the receipt would
be inappropriate because the donor could change the amount of the donation or the name of the
donor or the date on the receipt. Sending an unalterable PDF, like receiptManager does, is acceptable.
Charities should ensure that if they replace a lost receipt, the replacement receipt has the same
required information as the lost receipt, along with a note stating that it “Cancels and replaces receipt
No. X”. The charity must ensure that in its records the copy of the original lost receipt is kept and
marked as “Cancelled.”
In our experience, MOST donor receipting software doesn’t note this step with a note saying this cancelled receipt has been replaced by No.X.
For a full list, visit the Government of Canada.
We would also recommend Canadian Charity Law and their receipting information package found here.