In This Article: Author Tasha Van Vlack

Salesforce Training – The basics of reports and dashboards

Great reports help you make decisions and take action. But sometimes you need to get your insights at-a-glance, especially depending on your audience and the device being used. Enter the dashboard, your utility for summarizing and displaying your Salesforce data in a graphical layout.

While 90% of nonprofits gather data according to Nonprofit Hub fewer than half actually analyze it. 

Salesforce Dashboards provide a space to visualize data from one or more Reports in order to identify trends over time and monitor performance routinely. Each dashboard component is displayed as a metric, table, gauge, or chart (including pie, bar, line, or funnel chart), and Dashboard Filters can be applied to dynamically filter all the components at once (e.g. by country, period, or funder).

At a glance you can see engagement, staff efficiency and progress toward annual program and fundraising goals. This makes it simpler to understand the story your data is telling about your programs, services and fundraising efforts.

Looking for CRM support in 2022? Get in touch with our team to learn more about cloudStack’s services and our trio of products: fundraisingManagerreceiptManager and financeManager. All built on the Salesforce platform

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