In This Article: Author Tasha Van Vlack

September 2022 Newsletter – Why is nonprofit marketing SO DANG frustrating?

Stop throwing out crazy nonprofit marketing plans to see what sticks. These resources are sure to support your nonprofit this fall.



September 2022

Invest NOW to see a return on your nonprofit marketing.

Marketing. Sometimes it feels like throwing spaghetti at a wall and seeing how much “sticks”. One day you have a wildly successful Facebook post that gains you 10 new donors (yeah!). Then 2 weeks later your try a variation of the same post and cue the crickets.

So lets get advice from the best on how to ensure your nonprofit marketing doesn’t fall flat this Year End Giving season.

Cheers, the cloudStack Team

If finding that sweet spot of communicating with your donors is difficult, let’s talk about one way you might relieve some of the stress in the system: Segmentation.

Marketing for nonprofit organizations is a blend of art and science. It starts with knowing your audience and what triggers an emotion or action. The CallHub team has rounded up and analyzed 5 incredibly successful nonprofit marketing campaigns to check out.

Looking for CRM support in 2022? Get in touch with our team to learn more about cloudStack’s services and our trio of products: fundraisingManagerreceiptManager and financeManager. All built on the Salesforce platform

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